Faculty Executive Committee

Virtual meeting

This meeting will be held via Zoom. https://unc.zoom.us/s/443620771

Faculty Executive Committee

Virtual meeting

This meeting is being held remotely at https://unc.zoom.us/j/239900397?pwd=QWQ0dG1iUTE5UE5yZWFDYW1UQ0xGZz09 A password is required to attend. Please email facgov@unc.edu by 2:00 p.m. EDT on the day of the meeting to get the password.

Faculty Executive Committee

Virtual meeting

The meeting will be held remotely using Zoom meeting ID 946 2261 2847. This meeting is password protected, please contact the Office of Faculty Governance at facgov@unc.edu by 2:00 p.m. on 04/27/20 to request the password.

Faculty Executive Committee

Virtual meeting

The meeting will be held remotely using Zoom. Meeting ID: 956 7642 6599. This meeting is password protected, please contact the Office of Faculty Governance at facgov@unc.edu by 2:00 p.m. on May 11 to request the password.